Real-time Alerts. Real People. Real Action.

Community-Powered Alerts to Help Find the Missing.

Peace of Mind for Less Than $1 a Month

For just $0.99 per month—or only $11.88 per year—you can be part of a life-saving network that helps bring missing loved ones home.
iAlerts ensures that critical information reaches the right people in real-time, increasing the chances of swift recovery when every second counts.
Think about it: less than the cost of a cup of coffee per month can help mobilize entire communities to take action. With iAlerts, you’re not just
subscribing to alerts—you’re joining a movement that empowers everyday people to make a real difference. For pennies a day, you gain the power
to stay informed, stay alert, and help save lives. Because when it comes to the safety of our communities, there’s no price too small for peace of mind.

Uniting Communities for Swift and Effective Search Efforts

In moments of crisis, every second can mean the difference between loss and recovery. iAlerts is built on the power of collective awareness
and rapid communication, ensuring that crucial information reaches the right people at the right time. By activating a vast network of engaged
community members, transportation professionals, and everyday citizens, iAlerts spreads urgent alerts in real time, maximizing visibility and
increasing the likelihood of a swift resolution. Whether it’s a missing child, a vulnerable adult, or a loved one in distress, our system mobilizes
communities into action, turning bystanders into first responders and transforming awareness into meaningful impact. 

Join the Network. Help Find Missing People.

How it differs from Amber Alerts. (Community-based, faster reach, works alongside authorities.)

How does it work?

iAlerts is a community-powered alert system designed to quickly disseminate information about missing persons via SMS and MMS. By leveraging a
network of subscribers—including everyday citizens, taxi drivers, and ride-share professionals—iAlerts ensures that alerts featuring descriptions and
photos reach those most likely to spot a missing person in real time. Unlike traditional systems that have strict criteria, iAlerts sends alerts for any
missing person, as long as a police file number, a photo, and a description are provided. The platform operates on an affordable subscription model,
making life-saving alerts accessible to a wider audience beyond government-issued notifications like AMBER Alerts. Through streamlined notifications,
iAlerts empowers communities to work together, enhancing public safety and supporting the search for missing individuals. Every second counts, and
with more eyes on the lookout, the chances of bringing loved ones home increase dramatically.

Every Second Counts—Stay Alert, Stay Informed, Save Lives.